Oct 18, 2023

Make something people want: top YC companies for product builders

Make something people want: top YC companies for product builders

Building a delightful product for users is no easy feat... No pressure πŸ˜…
We’re here to help empower product builders to build delightful products in the best way possible using the best solutions out there 🀩
As a Y-Combinator backed company, who believes in talking to users to make something people want.
We’ve found some of the best YC companies from analytics, product copilots, user feedback solutions, design & development and AI product coach solutions.
Explore our guide for 20+ companies that are making strides in shaping the way product builders build πŸ’«


Amplitude β—‹ Mixpanel β—‹ June β—‹ Posthog β—‹ Heap

Analytics are indispensable to guide product teams through a maze of data. These tools
offer a nuanced understanding of user behavior, product performance, and market
Analytics help product teams to:
1. Make informed decisions: Transform raw data into actionable insights, allowing
product managers to make decisions rooted in reality.
2. Identify pain points: These companies spotlight areas of friction, ensuring
product teams know where improvements are most needed.
3. User behavior understanding: Gain a deeper comprehension of how users
engage with a product, informing feature development and refinement.
4. Validation & iteration: Quickly validate assumptions and iterate based on actual
user interactions, optimizing the product life cycle.
5. Performance monitoring: Keep a close eye on KPIs, to ensure the product
aligns with business goals and delivers maximum value.
Some of the best analytics platforms are Y-Combinator companies. Explore our list


Amplitude is designed to help teams understand user behavior. With its powerful and
intuitive dashboard, product builders can delve into granular data, track user journeys,
and derive actionable insights to shape the evolution of their products.
How Amplitude empowers product builders
● Deep user insights: With its event-based tracking, Amplitude offers a clear view
into how users interact with a product, identifying patterns and behaviors critical
for growth.
● Cohort analysis: Understand the long-term value and behavior of specific user
groups, allowing for targeted interventions and personalized user experiences.
● Real-time data: Make informed decisions swiftly with up-to-date analytics,
ensuring product teams remain agile and responsive.
● Retention tracking: Gauge the stickiness of your product, understand drop-offs,
and craft strategies to improve user retention over time.
● Micro-funnel analysis: Pinpoint exactly where users drop off during specific tasks,
allowing for targeted improvements that enhance overall user experience.
Why Amplitude
● User-centricity: Amplitude shifts the focus from mere quantitative metrics to
understanding the qualitative aspects of user behavior.
● Scalability: Whether you're a startup or a global enterprise, Amplitude scales with
your needs, ensuring consistent performance regardless of data volume.
● Collaboration: With shareable charts, dashboard customization, and collaboration
features, teams can communicate insights and align on strategies effortlessly.
● Integration ecosystem: Amplitude seamlessly integrates with other tools and
platforms, creating a cohesive analytics ecosystem tailored to diverse product


Mixpanel offers teams a platform to analyze, measure, and improve user interactions
and experiences. Mixpanel transforms the way product builders perceive and act on
user behavior data.
How Mixpanel elevates product builders
● Granular event tracking: Dive deep into individual user actions, allowing for a
comprehensive understanding of every touchpoint within the product.
● Flow visualization: Witness the journey users take through your product,
highlighting potential areas of friction and opportunities for enhancement.
● A/B testing: Experiment with different product features or user interfaces and
directly measure their impact, ensuring data-driven decision-making.
● Retention analysis: Discover what keeps users coming back and the aspects of
your product that resonate most with your audience.
● Predictive analytics: Leverage the power of machine learning to forecast user
behavior, helping product teams anticipate and cater to future user needs.
Why Mixpanel
● User segmentation: Mixpanel’s advanced segmentation features allow product
builders to create detailed user groups, tailoring experiences based on specific
behaviors or attributes.
● Adaptive learning: As more data flows in, Mixpanel's algorithms adapt, providing
sharper insights and more accurate predictions over time.
● Unified data view: With data sources consolidated into one intuitive dashboard,
teams can derive insights quicker and act faster.
● Extensive integrations: Mixpanel's compatibility with a multitude of other tools
ensures a smooth and integrated analytics workflow for product teams.


June merges user behavior insights with actionable metrics. June's intuitive platform
promises product builders a holistic view of their product's life cycle, making data-driven
decisions more accessible and effective than ever.
How June benefits product builders
● Interactive dashboards: With easy-to-navigate visualizations, June transforms
complex data sets into comprehensible insights at a glance.
● Real-time feedback integration: Harness immediate user feedback, ensuring
products evolve in sync with user needs.
● Automated reporting: Customize and automate reports, allowing teams to focus
on deriving actionable strategies from the data.
● Cross-platform analysis: June's ability to gather and harmonize data from
multiple platforms provides a unified view of the user journey.
Why June
● User-centric visualization: June's unique approach to data visualization centers
around user stories, translating numbers into tangible user narratives.
● Seamless integrations: With an expansive toolkit, June integrates smoothly with
other product tools, creating a cohesive analytics workflow.
● Collaborative features: June promotes team alignment with shared dashboards,
annotations, and real-time collaboration tools.
Privacy-prioritized: Recognizing the importance of data privacy, June offers robust
encryption and data handling protocols, safeguarding user information at all times.


Posthog provides granular analytics, enabling an in-depth comprehension of user
behavior without compromising on user privacy. Its self-hosted nature brings
unparalleled data security, giving teams complete control over their analytics journey.
How Posthog elevates product building
● Open-source flexibility: With its open-source model, Posthog offers a
customizable environment, allowing teams to tailor analytics to their precise
● Self-hosted assurance: By keeping data in-house, Posthog ensures data security
and privacy, alleviating common concerns in the analytics space.
● Event-based tracking: Capture specific user interactions, from clicks to
conversions, to understand user pathways and preferences.
● Feature flags & A/B testing: Roll out new features with confidence, test
variations, and measure their impact directly within the platform.
● Heatmaps & Session Recordings: Visualize user engagement and watch real
user sessions to gain deeper insights into the user experience.
Why Posthog
● Data sovereignty: In a world increasingly concerned with data privacy, Posthog's
self-hosted solution offers a refreshing approach, ensuring user data never
leaves your servers.
● Community-driven development: Being open-source, Posthog thrives on
community contributions, ensuring continuous evolution and adaptability based
on real-world needs.
● Holistic analytics suite: From funnels to retention charts, Posthog provides a
comprehensive toolkit, eliminating the need for multiple disparate tools.
● Scalable by design: Whether you’re a budding startup or a sprawling enterprise,
Posthog scales seamlessly to handle varying data loads.


Heap automates the process of user interaction tracking, Heap ensures that every
event, every touchpoint, is captured without the need for manual code. This holistic view
offers product builders many insights, all available at their fingertips.
How Heap transforms product building
● Automatic event tracking: Heap's auto-capture functionality ensures
comprehensive data collection right from the start.
● Retroactive data analysis: Analyze past data without the need for foresight. Even
if you've just thought of a new metric to track, Heap allows you to explore
historical data for that metric.
● Intuitive data visualization: User-friendly dashboards and customizable charts
● Segmentation and funnel analysis: Dive deep into specific user groups or track
user paths to conversion, offering clarity on areas of friction or potential growth.
● Integration ecosystem: Heap integrates with other marketing, sales, and product
Why Heap
● Flexibility in insight extraction: With Heap, product builders aren’t confined by
pre-set tags. This flexibility ensures that insights can be extracted based on
evolving needs, even from past data.
● Time-efficiency: The automation reduces the time spent on data setup and
maintenance, freeing up teams to focus on analysis and action.
● User-centric approach: Heap's detailed event tracking offers a genuine
user-centric perspective, providing a clear picture of the user journey and
● Continuous evolution: Heap's commitment to innovation ensures that they're
constantly adding features and refining processes to serve product builders


Product copilots:

Kraftful β—‹ DeSensi β—‹ Inari

Amid the complexities of product development, product copilots emerge as invaluable
assistants. Acting as a 'copilot', these companies assist product managers and their
teams in steering their product's journey with confidence and clarity, from ideation to
launch and beyond.
Why product copilots are essential:
1. Guided framework: Offering a roadmap for product development, these
companies streamline processes and ensure key steps aren't missed.
2. Unified vision: They help maintain consistency across teams, ensuring
everyone works towards a unified product goal.
3. Resource allocation: With a clear product path, teams can allocate resources
more effectively, maximizing efficiency.
4. Risk management: By highlighting potential pitfalls ahead, they enable teams to
take preemptive action and navigate challenges.
5. Feedback integration: Copilot solutions assist in seamlessly weaving in user
feedback, ensuring the product evolves with its users.
See below for the best product copilot solutions that stand out from Y-Combinator


Kraftful is a copilot for product builders. Kraftful helps product teams build a community
of users around their products by listening to users at scale, automatically incorporating
their feedback in the product development process, and making users feel heard.
How Kraftful supports product builders
● Product insights from user feedback: Kraftful employs a unique method to
condense user feedback gathered. By utilizing large language models Kraftful
quickly derives actionable insights. These insights, paired with the original
feedback, offer a comprehensive context for product teams.
● Automated insights in your mailbox or Slack: Product teams receive automated,
periodic insights based on the daily aggregation of user feedback from previously
connected sources.
● Connect feedback to your dev process: Product managers can leverage Kraftful’s
AI to automatically draft user stories and acceptance criteria, seamlessly
integrate them with platforms, like Jira.
● User engagement & feedback loop: As features influenced by user feedback
advance in development, Kraftful will keep users informed using the same
channels they provided feedback through, be it surveys, support tickets, or
tweets. This continuous communication ensures users feel acknowledged and
● Community building: Kraftful helps cultivate a community around products. By
involving users in the developmental journey, they feel a deeper connection to
the products and are more understanding of product development timelines,
knowing their voices are being heard and that they’re impacting the product.
Why Kraftful
● Empathetic engagement: Kraftful emphasizes genuine user engagement,
fostering a space where users feel heard and valued.
● Real-time responsiveness: The platform's tools enable product teams to respond
swiftly to emerging feedback, enhancing user trust and loyalty.
● Data-Driven evolution: By grounding product evolution in genuine user feedback,
Kraftful ensures products remain relevant and user-centric.


DSensei emerges as a masterful guide. At its core, DSensei is designed to
comprehend, adapt, and illuminate, ensuring product builders are equipped with the
insights and direction they need to craft masterpieces in the digital arena.
How DSensei empowers product builders
● Adaptive insights engine: DSensei’s AI analyzes user interactions, market trends,
and feedback to offer real-time product direction and recommendations.
● Interactive visualization dashboards: Navigate product data through intuitive
dashboards, highlighting areas of focus, potential challenges, and opportunities.
● Forecasting: Utilize predictive analytics to foresee user demands.
● Collaborative blueprinting: Engage in collective brainstorming, and strategy
sessions within DSensei's collaborative environment.
● Automated feedback synthesis: Convert vast volumes of user feedback into
actionable insights, ensuring products remain user-centric at every development
Why DSensei
● Deep dive analytics: Beyond surface-level insights, DSensei delves deep,
extracting nuanced patterns and correlations from vast data sets.
● User-centric evolution: Recommendations, insights, and strategy from DSensei is
grounded in authentic user experiences, ensuring products resonate with users.
● Seamless integrations: DSensei effortlessly meshes with existing product
ecosystems, ensuring a blend of tools, insights, and actions.


Inari functions as an intuitive guide, offering actionable insights and strategic blueprints
to product development, operations, and analytics teams.
How Inari enhances the product building experience
● Contextual analytics: Inari dives deep into user interactions, providing
context-rich insights that resonate with real-world scenarios.
● Innovative forecasting: Utilizing predictive analytics, Inari offers a glimpse into
future user trends, empowering teams to stay ahead of the curve.
● Dynamic strategy formulation: Inari crafts adaptable product roadmaps, ensuring
teams can pivot based on emerging data and feedback.
● Interactive scenario playbacks: Relive user interactions, analyze pain points, and
ideate solutions through immersive visual representations.
● Collaborative idea hubs: Foster collective brainstorming, share insights, and build
consensus within Inari's interactive collaborative spaces.
Why Inari
● Empathetic intelligence: Inari merges AI-driven insights to craft strategies that
truly resonate.
● Adaptive learning mechanisms: Continuously refining its algorithms, Inari
ensures that its recommendations evolve as products and user bases grow.
● Unified vision crafting: Inari harmonizes diverse product perspectives, ensuring
every stakeholderβ€”from designers to marketersβ€”is aligned with a singular
● Insight-driven execution: By rooting every strategy in data-driven insights, Inari
ensures product decisions are always informed, relevant, and impactful.


User feedback:

Kraftful β—‹ Rally UXR β—‹ Outset β—‹ Thematic β—‹ 1Flow

At the heart of any successful product lies the voice of its users. User feedback
solutions serve as the bridge between users and product teams, capturing this voice in
real-time. These companies provide a platform for users to express their experiences,
insights, and suggestions, allowing for a more dynamic and responsive product
development process.
Why user feedback solutions are crucial
1. Deep insights: They offer an unfiltered view into how users perceive and interact
with your product, revealing its strengths and areas of improvement.
2. Iterative development: Continuous feedback ensures that product iterations are
based on actual user needs and not just assumptions.
3. Build trust: By actively seeking and responding to feedback, companies
demonstrate that they value their user base, fostering trust and loyalty.
4. Risk mitigation: Feedback solutions can highlight unforeseen issues or bugs,
allowing teams to address them proactively.
5. Market positioning: Understanding user sentiments helps in tailoring marketing
and positioning strategies effectively.
This segment shines a light on Y-Combinator user feedback companies that truly
amplify user voices and empower product teams to act.


Kraftful is dedicated to ensuring that all users are heard. Kraftful helps product teams
build a community of users around their products by listening to users at scale,
automatically incorporating their feedback in the product development process, and
making users feel heard. Unlike many alternative solutions, Kraftful is built to fully take
advantage of the power of Large Language Models.
How Kraftful supports product builders
● Product insights from user feedback: By utilizing LLMs, Kraftful quickly derives
actionable insights specifically for product builders. These insights, paired with
the original feedback, offer a comprehensive context for product teams.
● Automated insights in your mailbox or Slack: Product teams receive automated,
periodic insights based on the daily aggregation of user feedback from previously
connected sources, supporting 100+ different languages.
● Connect feedback to your dev process: Product managers can leverage Kraftful’s
AI to automatically draft user stories and acceptance criteria, seamlessly
integrate them with platforms, like Jira.
● User engagement & feedback loop: As features influenced by user feedback
advance in development, Kraftful will keep users informed using the same
channels they provided feedback through, be it surveys, support tickets, or
tweets. This continuous communication ensures users feel acknowledged and
● Community building: Kraftful helps cultivate a community around products. By
involving users in the developmental journey, they feel a deeper connection to
the products and are more understanding of product development timelines,
knowing their voices are being heard and that they’re impacting the product.
Why Kraftful
● Empathetic engagement: Kraftful emphasizes genuine user engagement,
fostering a space where users feel heard and valued.
● Real-time responsiveness: The platform's tools enable product teams to respond
swiftly to emerging feedback, enhancing user trust and loyalty.
● Data-driven evolution: By grounding product evolution in genuine user feedback,
Kraftful ensures products remain relevant and user-centric.


Rally UXR is dedicated to user experience research. Rally UXR focuses on
comprehensive user studies, ensuring that product builders obtain a 360-degree view of
user interactions, desires, and pain points.
How Rally UXR elevates product building
● Comprehensive research tools: From interactive surveys to in-depth user
interview modules, Rally UXR covers all facets of UX research.
● Real-time analysis: Obtain immediate insights from ongoing research, allowing
for swift iterations and improvements.
● Collaborative study boards: Facilitate team discussions, annotate findings, and
converge on strategies within a unified workspace.
● Participant recruitment: Simplify user study logistics by leveraging Rally UXR's
participant recruitment features, ensuring diverse and relevant user bases.
● Visual insight playbacks: Replay user interactions, study pathways, and analyze
pain points through intuitive visual representations.
Why Rally UXR
● Depth of understanding: Rally UXR shifts the focus from mere feedback
collection to immersive user studies.
● Seamless user study flow: Rally UXR streamlines the entire UX research
process, making it efficient and hassle-free.
● Contextual feedback integration: Understand feedback within the context of
entire user sessions, enabling richer insights and more informed decisions.
● Iterative research model: With Rally UXR, UX research becomes a continuous
cycle, ensuring products evolve in tandem with real-world user needs and


Outset offers AI-powered user interviews to conduct qualitative research. By capturing
feedback in its rawest, most authentic form, Outset allows product builders to tune into
the voices that matter most.
How Outset empowers product builders
● Better than surveys: Surveys are fast but lack depth, whereas interviews are high
● Instant insights: Convert qualitative data into concise points, eliminating the noise
and highlighting the essence.
● Many languages: Conduct 1000s of interviews in any language.
Why Outset
● Real-time engagement: Outset's feedback mechanisms ensure that users are
● Unified feedback vision: By centralizing feedback data, Outset ensures that team
members have a consistent user perspective.
● Iterative feedback loop: With swift insight, Outset ensures feedback translates
into product improvements.


Thematic is an AI-powered platform that transforms noisy feedback into accurate and
layered insights. Empower everyone with the understanding to be customer-led..
How Thematic assists
● Advanced text analysis: Thematic dives into feedback, extracting key themes and
sentiments from data.
● Automated feedback clustering: By grouping similar feedback, Thematic helps
any team identify pain points.
● Customizable dashboards: Tailor your view to focus on feedback metrics that
● Cross-channel feedback collection: Aggregate feedback from multiple sources,
from social media to support tickets, ensuring a view of user sentiments.
● Collaborative Insights: Share feedback themes within the platform.
Why Thematic
● Depth over breadth: Instead of merely collecting feedback, Thematic delves
● Real-time adaptability: Thematic's engine evolves with incoming feedback,
ensuring themes and insights remain current.
● Holistic view: Thematic synthesizes feedback from a variety of different channels.


1flow equips product builders with the tools they need to capture and review feedback
in real-time, ensuring products evolve with a user-first approach.
How 1flow benefits product builders
● Unified feedback stream: Collect feedback from diverse sources and platforms,
presenting it in one cohesive stream for easy navigation and analysis.
● Intuitive feedback filters: Segment and categorize feedback based on various
● Real-time analytics: Gain immediate insights from live feedback, allowing for
agile decision-making and swift product iterations.
● Feedback lifecycle management: Track feedback from its inception to resolution.
● Engagement boosters: Interact directly with users to acknowledge their feedback.
Why 1flow
● Streamlined simplicity: 1flow's emphasis on creating a singular feedback channel
reduces noise.
● Adaptive feedback learning: With its machine learning capabilities, 1flow
continually refines feedback categorization and prioritization based on historical
● Collaborative feedback environment: Teams can work together within 1flow,
discussing feedback, and assigning tasks.
Feedback-first philosophy: It’s features are centered on genuine user feedback.


Design & development:

Zeplin β—‹ Webflow β—‹ FlutterFlow β—‹ Awesomic β—‹ YouTeam

Design & development solutions assist product teams in bringing their visions to fruition.
They streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and ensure the final product is both
functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Why design & development solutions are imperative
1. Efficient workflow: They offer streamlined processes, reducing time-to-market
and ensuring consistency throughout the development cycle.
2. Collaborative environments: These tools facilitate seamless collaboration
between designers and developers, ensuring a unified product vision.
3. Quality assurance: Integrated testing and validation features help catch bugs
and issues early, ensuring a high-quality end product.
4. Scalable solutions: Modern tools are built to adapt, allowing products to scale
with growing user bases and features.
5. Prototyping & iteration: Advanced design tools allow for rapid prototyping,
making it easier to visualize and iterate upon ideas before full development.
Equip your team with these wonderful solutions backed by Y-Combinator, and watch
your product visions come alive.


Zeplin ensures that the beautiful intricacies of a design vision are perfectly reflected in
the final product, minimizing misinterpretations and streamlining workflows.
How Zeplin elevates product building
● Automated design-to-code: Transform design mockups into actionable, usable
code, ensuring design fidelity throughout the development process.
● Centralized asset management: Store, categorize, and manage all design assets
in a single space, simplifying asset retrieval and usage.
● Interactive style guides: Create and update dynamic style guides that evolve with
your product, ensuring consistency across all design and development stages.
● Seamless collaboration: Facilitate real-time discussions, annotations, and
feedback directly on designs, ensuring designers and developers are always on
the same Page Content.
Why Zeplin
● Clarity over ambiguity: Zeplin eliminates the guesswork from design
interpretations, ensuring developers have clear guidelines and assets to work
● Time efficiency: By automating many manual processes, Zeplin reduces
time-to-market, allowing products to reach audiences faster.
● Unified vision: With designers and developers working in sync, products crafted
with Zeplin reflect a unified vision, free from discrepancies and inconsistencies.
● Continuous evolution: Zeplin's commitment to innovation ensures the platform
evolves with the changing needs of the design and development community.


Webflow empowers individuals to bring their visions to life without diving deep into
coding. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface combined with powerful customization
capabilities, Webflow makes web creation accessible and dynamic.
How Webflow supports product builders
● Visual development environment: Design and develop simultaneously with an
intuitive interface.
● Responsive design controls: Craft designs that adapt beautifully across devices,
ensuring consistency and user-friendliness.
● Custom interactions & animations: Elevate user experience with rich interactions
and animations, all crafted without writing a single line of JavaScript.
Why Webflow
● Design freedom: Webflow offers the creative freedom of design tools with the
power of web development platforms, eliminating constraints.
● No-code revolution: Championing the no-code movement, Webflow allows
creators to focus on design and user experience without getting entangled in
intricate coding challenges.
● Rapid prototyping: Ideas can swiftly transform into live prototypes, speeding up
the validation process and enhancing design decision-making.
● Continuous learning curve: With a rich repository of tutorials, resources, and
community support, Webflow nurtures a culture of continuous learning and


FlutterFlow empowers creators to design and develop sophisticated, high-performance
applications without being enmeshed in complex code by providing a visual,
drag-and-drop interface. Being built on Flutter, Flutter Flow supports both mobile and
web applications.
How Flutterflow facilitates product builders
● Intuitive visual builder: Craft intricate app interfaces with a user-friendly
drag-and-drop editor, seeing designs come alive in real-time.
● Code-free logic design: Implement functionalities, animations, and intricate
interactions without delving into lines of code.
● Responsive layouts: Design applications that provide consistent experiences
across devices, from mobile screens to desktop monitors.
Why FlutterFlow
● Empowered creation: With FlutterFlow, the distance between a design concept
and a functional app is significantly reduced, empowering creators to bring
visions to life swiftly.
● Embrace the no-code movement: Championing the burgeoning no-code era,
FlutterFlow ensures that intricate app functionalities can be achieved without
traditional coding barriers.


Awesomic is not just a nameβ€”it’s an embodiment of its mission to make every design
and development process truly awesome. This platform functions as a nexus where
top-tier designers meet innovative product builders, fostering a collaborative
environment to birth digital masterpieces.
How Awesomic enhances product building
● Curated designer matches: Connect with vetted designers tailored to specific
project needs, ensuring quality and synergy from the get-go.
● Interactive design boards: Collaborate, iterate, and fine-tune designs in real-time
with interactive boards that bridge feedback loops.
● End-to-end design solutions: From wireframes and mockups to final UI/UX
designs, Awesomic covers the entire design spectrum.
● Seamless handoffs: Transition designs to development effortlessly with
organized assets, annotations, and code snippets, ensuring design fidelity.
● Project management tools: Track design progress, set milestones, and manage
timelines directly within the Awesomic platform.
Why Awesomic
● Tailored design expertise: Awesomic’s focus on matching product builders with
designers based on niche expertise ensures designs that resonate and captivate.
● Efficiency & speed: By streamlining communication and workflows, Awesomic
reduces the time from design conception to realization.
● Consistent quality assurance: With a rigorously vetted pool of designers and
built-in feedback mechanisms, quality remains paramount in every project.


YouTeam connects you with select offshore developers looking for a full-time contract,
that you can't find on freelance portals. Recognizing that the right talent can make or
break a product's journey, Youteam offers a curated marketplace of elite developers and
product specialists.
How Youteam bolsters product builders
● Curated talent pool: Navigate a meticulously vetted selection of professionals,
ensuring only the best talent is at your fingertips.
● Dynamic team assembly: Customize and scale teams based on project
requirements, timelines, and goals.
● Collaborative workspaces: Youteam provides tools that foster real-time
collaboration, brainstorming, and strategy alignment among team members.
● Transparent communication: Facilitate open dialogues, progress tracking, and
feedback loops to ensure every team member is aligned and informed.
● Seamless integration: Youteam's platform is designed to integrate smoothly with
popular project management and communication tools, ensuring fluid workflows.
Why Youteam
● Bespoke team building: Youteam understands that every product journey is
unique, offering customization options that fit diverse project needs.
● Quality assurance: Through rigorous vetting and continuous performance
reviews, Youteam ensures a consistent standard of excellence in its talent pool.
● Flexible scalability: Whether it's ramping up for a major launch or scaling down
post-project, Youteam allows for dynamic team adjustments.


Product coach:


AI product coaches tools emerge as the next frontier in product development guidance.
Infused with advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence, these tools operate
as virtual mentorsβ€”offering data-driven insights, strategy recommendations, and tips
tailored to individual needs for upskilling.
How product coaches can benefit product builders
1. 24/7 access: Access virtual product coaches anywhere! Learn anytime.
2. Custom upskilling: Everyone learns differently. Use product coaches to ask the
questions about product that are most relevant to you and the stage you’re at in
your product career.
3. Write product documentation: Have a tough time writing Jira tickets? Learn top
tips from product gurus so that you can be a better product builder.
4. Scenario simulations: Test potential product decisions in virtual environments to
assess outcomes before real-world execution.
See below for a virtual product coach that fits in the palm of your hand from a
Y-Combinator company!


Kraftful plugin for ChatGPT is the product coach of your dreams. Kraftful was one of
the first developers in the ChatGPT Plugin Store. We’ve made the popular AI assistant
even more useful with our product management add-on! Kraftful gathers wisdom from
the top dogs of product know-how and supercharges it with a little ChatGPT magic for
quick, concise wisdom that answers your exact request.
How the Kraftful plugin for ChatGPT supports product builders
● Real-time assistance: Get instant answers, suggestions, and tips on product
questions, features, and strategies, all through a conversational interface.
● Dynamic problem-solving: Navigate complex product challenges by
brainstorming with an AI that taps into vast product knowledge.
● Continuous learning: Whether you’re a seasoned product leader or breaking into
product for the first time, the plugin is designed to meet you where you’re at.
Why Kraftful
● Interactive Expertise: Beyond static insights, the plugin offers a dynamic,
conversational approach to product guidance, making the process more
engaging and intuitive.
● Collaborative Synergy: It bridges the gap between human creativity and AI
precision, fostering a harmonious product development environment.


About Kraftful

Kraftful saves product builders hundreds of hours by using AI to analyze
user feedback in one place. Identify your highest priority product
improvements, write JIRA tickets, and use ChatGPT to uncover deeper
Check out Kraftful for free or level up your product chops with our ChatGPT
As always, user feedback is our jam, let us know what you think! ✨



Innovative teams use Kraftful to engage users & boost revenue.


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